Breaking News — A Hearing Revolution Has Begun! Introducing the New The world’s first hearing aid to feature integrated sensors and artificial intelligence. Imagine a hearing aid that can: • Measure body and brain health • Translate languages • Receive adjustments from your provider remotely • Stream music, TV and phone calls • Reduce background […]
Hearing Aid Feedback
Have you ever heard someone’s hearing aid buzzing and whistling? Nobody wants their hearing aids to whistle. Hearing aid feedback happens for two reasons: either the hearing aid doesn’t fit correctly or there is too much power. In both cases, sound from the hearing aid leaks out of the ear and is re-amplified by the […]
High Blood Pressure and Hearing Loss
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 70 million adults in the United States have high blood pressure, or hypertension. That amounts to nearly one in three adults; furthermore, another one in three adults are living with elevated blood pressure results that are below the level considered to be high blood pressure […]
Hearing Loss Studies: Life is Worth Hearing
Hearing loss is one of the most common health issues in the world. In the United States, 12 percent of the population, or 38 million people, have a significant hearing loss. Yet, only one out of every five people who could benefit from hearing aids actually wears them. Reduced hearing acuity can not only be […]
Verification and Validation: Are You Hearing As Well As You Should Be?
“Are you hearing as well as you should be?” seems like a simple question. Believe it or not, that is actually one of the hardest questions for my patients to answer. Typically, patients respond with, “I don’t know” or “How can I tell?” That is the main reason why verification and validation are some of […]
Hearing and Memory Loss
Did you know that your hearing, or lack thereof, can affect your memory? People with poor hearing often mistakenly feel that their hearing loss only affects their ability to hear other people. They do not realize that hearing loss has a far greater impact. Over the last ten years there have been numerous studies linking […]
Earwax and Hearing Loss
One of the most common causes of hearing loss is earwax, or cerumen, blocking sound from reaching the eardrum. This occurs when the wax is pushed back toward the eardrum or if the ears produce more wax than is needed. Earwax is also the most common cause of hearing aid malfunctions. A tiny amount of […]
Ask An Audiologist: What Is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is described as any abnormal ear noise and can arise in the outer ear, the middle ear, the inner ear or the brain. It is not a disorder in and of itself, but rather a symptom and may be perceived as ringing, buzzing or humming. Some people describe it as a “clicking” or “pulsing” […]
Aural Rehabilitation Exercises
You have taken, or are planning to take, a wise first step, the investment in hearing instruments. Hearing aids help you to hear sounds which are interpreted by your brain. This brain stimulation is an important part of hearing health. The following aural rehabilitation exercises will allow you to increase brain stimulation and improve your […]
Sudden Hearing Loss
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL), commonly known as sudden hearing loss, should be considered a medical emergency. As professionals, we train our patients to see their family doctor at the onset of a sudden hearing loss, and if the doctor can’t immediately see the patient, to go to their nearest emergency room. Why is treatment […]
Why Are Hearing Aid Prices So Different?
Your family has been telling you over the last few years you need to get your hearing checked. Since then, you noticed you have been asking people to repeat themselves. You need to really strain to be able to understand conversations. The ringing in your ears appears to be getting louder. It seems like everyone […]
Hearing Loss and End-of-Life Care
“I know I should wear hearing aids, but why should I bother? I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be around!” We hear this kind of response all the time in our many offices. There is usually a moment of laughter and a casual disagreement of their objection. The truth, according to new […]
Welcome to Starting Hear – The official blog of Hear For You!
Thanks for visiting our new blog! In the days to come, we’ll feature useful information on a variety of topics related to better hearing and hearing care. The facts about hearing loss in America are stunning: 1 in 3 people over the age of 60 have hearing loss. 1 in 6 Baby […]
Welcome to Our Hearing Health Blog
Welcome to our Blog, an online forum designed to educate, illuminate, share your experiences with hearing impairment. We understand that addressing a hearing loss can seem to be an unnerving concept initially, and we would like to help ease some of your anxieties by making the process enjoyable and hassle-free. You may see some posts […]